Saturday, 8 August 2009

Da Saudi Sex Machine

Everybody has heard about oh so creepy Mr.abdulJawad and his little sex disclosure stint on LBC. I think its sick and I also think its sick those who are defending him saying that he should be commended for bravery in being honest in showing the Saudis "secret" deviant side.
Bullshit, the same as saying that an embezzling employee is a bank should be commended when flaunting his crimes on a reality show, because there are many criminals who are doing it in secret.

That is not the topic of this post, the topic is about equality. Mazin is small fry, an idiot who tripped the circuit breaker, the main problem is going up the ladder.

Digital Journal has reported that a Saudi Businessman Ordered a $50,000 Solid Gold Penis Enlarger. Way to take the taste out of the LBC scandal!!!

The company representative was quoted saying “It's an unusual request. We didn't take it seriously at first, but once he sent us a deposit, we had to agree to it. Obviously, there were giggles initially when we presented our project to a jeweler and asked him for help.”

If gold and diamonds won't ease your way to/through a girls heart/xxx, then what will??

These items are prohibited in KSA, with customs officers trained to rip you a new one if you are caught with them, yet there is a threshold to authority it seems. It just isn't clear if the laws are based on the value of the items, or the person.



  1. Difficult question, imagine going back in time to the 1950s and having that same mindset. It depends on your current environment and societys projections. Fox News make arranged marries seem like a barbaric sin. yet they don't take the time to see that they are 'arranged' not 'forced'. Just like they happen in Korea or Japan. Japan has lax laws regarding teenagers depicted in sexual acts, where that sort of thing is illegal in the USA.
    I agree with you in that what happens between closed doors should not be anyones business but consenting adults as long as its not a crime. And in Saudi, marriage is a legal document for sex between partners. Adultery is a serious breach of contract. And flaunting bootleg sexcapades like what Mazin did is a slap in the face of authority. Although the fat cats do that sort of thing, they use their money to keep it quiet, not advertise it. I for one would like my son to live in free world, free conservative world that is.

  2. I recall an American Judge was punished when they found out he was using a penis pump during court sessions.

    0_o What can people think of next?

  3. Regardless of whether talking about your sexual escapades on live tv is considered beyond the pale and a definite no no in society...that is still no reason to lose your head. Sex outside of marriage may be a sin to God...but God doesnt say kill over it...thats completely a manmade punishment.

    Considering what other crap goes on in Saudi...hidden or open...having lots of sex hardly seems worth complaining or punishing over.

  4. Woah woah woah? Who said anything about executing him?

  5. Yeah....beheading has been mentioned as a possible punishment for him...still under debate with the religious fatwa generators.
