Saturday, 15 August 2009

Between Riyadh and Nowhere - The Saudi Traveller

Lots and lots of comparisons are published in the news between what happens in Saudi and what the rest of the world finds common. Little is done the other way around. I will write a series of posts about incidences about comparing and contrasting.

Being from Riyadh, many a time in a bachelors life he was approached in a mall by security, to be asked to leave with his friends. This happened enough times to call it a rule. I don't know what the logic is exactly but I can guess that the full diorama of a bunch of Saudi young men is quite the revolting scene. And that this might discourage shoppers from their money spending and give the mall a bad reputation.

Coming to Britannia, a familiar scene is presented, yet very different. Where a bunch of late-teen girls, wearing clothing not classified as modest if rated by a panel, sit on the ground laughing, gossiping, and giggling in a manner that would indicate they are semi-drunk to a semi-interested person. 5 minutes later, the security guard comes up and asks them to leave...imagine that!!!

Paybacks a Bi***

More to come...


  1. If you're drunk and in a shopping mall, then 9 times out of 10, you're going to be asked to leave. Some Shopping Centres have also banned young men from coming in whilst wearing hoodies.

    Similar, but not exactly the same.

    P.S. Do you mean Britain when you say Britannia?

  2. wow... I had a freind once who used to flatten his afro with a Bible.....
