Friday, 28 August 2009

The False Saudi Prince

Saudis are not rich, fact is a huge majority are staggering on that middle class cliff. Yet you always hear the story of Saudi abroad being financially discriminated against. In Egypt, there are special prices for Saudis that are double what local, even western patrons pay. In Malaysia, taxi drivers consider it an insult if a Saudi tourist asks for the meter to be turned on. In Syria....I don't want to even go there.

So why is that? UAE nationals are supposed to be richer then Saudis yet aren't treated the same way. It is the law of averaging, UAE big/huge wigs are few in number, and even when traveling practice some sort of spending restraint.
Saudi higher Ups on the other hand, spend like the currency is going out of style, from booking entire 5-star hotels to renting out 747s for shopping sprees to contemplating the purchase of Buckingham Palace as a summer home.

It is this that has caused greedy individuals the world out to froth at the mouth at the mear sight of a Saudi. Add to that that Saudis have an unapperciation of personal appearance and there is no telling what diamond can be found in the rough.

So when a French national claiming to be a Saudi prince accumulated $42000 in hotel services during a 16 day stay in an Australian resort, fingers were quick to point the blame at the hotel for extending the courtesy based on greed. The hotel has waved a PR card at the Saudi government if they do not foot the bill, which I think is ridiculous. Being as dumb as to fall for that is a clear indication of your susceptibility to these scams. Whats to prevent a horde of 419 Nigerians from sending emails with semi-broken Hijazi dialect asking for $500 for a return plane ticket from Lagos?

I'll tell you, its the same reason the Frenchmen was found out, $42000 in 16 days is very conservative compared to the spending average of a prince, it was obvious he was a fake. Just last month, a Saudi Princess was robbed in Italy of $16 Million. When you are going on a hustle, go all the way.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Between Riyadh & Nowhere - The Saudi Afro

Some may argue that Saudi is a country stuck in the middle ages, a foolish statement overall, but one that can be reinforced with some pieces of evidence.
The middle ages in question here are the 70s, and the evidence is the afro culture. The ethnicity in Saudi means that a large proportion of the population have curly hair, and apparently the only barber being incarcerated in Riyadh in 1973 meant that the streets suddenly transformed into the marshes of black. fast forward into 2009, where the afro style has made a comeback, also known locally as 'Cadash'. Obviously under the rules of decency (read - decent appearance) if someone is caught in the street with a cadash, that would be the equivalent of exposing pubic hair, as in there are consequences, the least of being getting a Bruce Willes style haircut.

So what happens when Saudis live abroad? They go wild, in a bad way. I have seen so many cadash out there, with complete works such as low waste, mask like sunglasses and other accessories so revolting they would shut down a power plant.

I even saw a bunch of Saudis, all cadash. they were such an incredible sight I would think that Japanese businessmen would hire them to walk in shopping malls to sweep the ceilings clean.

The freedom here in Britannia (UK) is not always easy on the eyes, no wonder getting a haircut cost so much, there are no economies of scale.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Between Riyadh and Nowhere - The Saudi Traveller

Lots and lots of comparisons are published in the news between what happens in Saudi and what the rest of the world finds common. Little is done the other way around. I will write a series of posts about incidences about comparing and contrasting.

Being from Riyadh, many a time in a bachelors life he was approached in a mall by security, to be asked to leave with his friends. This happened enough times to call it a rule. I don't know what the logic is exactly but I can guess that the full diorama of a bunch of Saudi young men is quite the revolting scene. And that this might discourage shoppers from their money spending and give the mall a bad reputation.

Coming to Britannia, a familiar scene is presented, yet very different. Where a bunch of late-teen girls, wearing clothing not classified as modest if rated by a panel, sit on the ground laughing, gossiping, and giggling in a manner that would indicate they are semi-drunk to a semi-interested person. 5 minutes later, the security guard comes up and asks them to leave...imagine that!!!

Paybacks a Bi***

More to come...

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Da Saudi Sex Machine

Everybody has heard about oh so creepy Mr.abdulJawad and his little sex disclosure stint on LBC. I think its sick and I also think its sick those who are defending him saying that he should be commended for bravery in being honest in showing the Saudis "secret" deviant side.
Bullshit, the same as saying that an embezzling employee is a bank should be commended when flaunting his crimes on a reality show, because there are many criminals who are doing it in secret.

That is not the topic of this post, the topic is about equality. Mazin is small fry, an idiot who tripped the circuit breaker, the main problem is going up the ladder.

Digital Journal has reported that a Saudi Businessman Ordered a $50,000 Solid Gold Penis Enlarger. Way to take the taste out of the LBC scandal!!!

The company representative was quoted saying “It's an unusual request. We didn't take it seriously at first, but once he sent us a deposit, we had to agree to it. Obviously, there were giggles initially when we presented our project to a jeweler and asked him for help.”

If gold and diamonds won't ease your way to/through a girls heart/xxx, then what will??

These items are prohibited in KSA, with customs officers trained to rip you a new one if you are caught with them, yet there is a threshold to authority it seems. It just isn't clear if the laws are based on the value of the items, or the person.


Saturday, 1 August 2009

Somethings Amiss in this Saudi Ignorance Bliss

There are a number of things that Saudis aren't used to when studying abroad. As they are thrust into an environment where they are forced to interact with daily foreign life.

Culture shock is an understatement.

A number of situations happen where a Saudi will block out or black out for not being able to know what to do, as he/she have not been told how to react.

Walking out in the early morning and seeing replenishment trucks at bars moving kegs.
It is a sin to even touch alcohol
Speaking with a friend and getting asked about pregnancy advice about the friends girlfriend
It is a sin to have premarital sex
Getting a threat letter demanding a late payment plus interest
It is a sin to pay usury

The typical Saudi will go into his/her alternate breakaway persona, if even for seconds, handle the situation in the least damaging way possible and revert back into normal mode, denying he ever did anything wrong.

A moron will take things out of proportion, making sure that not him/her or any involved party will ever forget that situation, blowdrying the cement on the Saudi stereotype even more, evermore.