Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Great Big Green Saudi Monster

You may be mistaken to think that all in Saudi live in har-money. That may have been the case decades ago. But its a different story now.
It has been developing for quite a while now, a keeping up with the Jabers mentality. As money has replaced all scales of comparison, all the public complain about now is how low there job class/grade is compared to their needs. Inflation & the poverty line are the new popular jargon.
And once in a while, the powers may be, will grant a pay scale enhancement to a particular group (this year it is teachers, last year it was doctors) and all hell will brake lose in the media. As newspapers will turn into comment battlegrounds between the receivers of such benefits defending the decision, and everyone else saying that they don't deserve it/they are already overpaid/our job class demands the same increase.
This shows a very serious change in the collective personality of Saudis, as they were known to "love thy brother" suddenly, its "screw thy brother, better me than him"
I don't know if this is a poisonous taste of things to come, but if hatred is brewing over future toilet paper, I wonder how stable the jar is really.


  1. I reached this blog by accident, but I found that has a very interesting content. Good job. A greeting.

  2. This is so true.This seems to be happening everywhere now.
