Friday, 24 July 2009

A Ghoul - Saudi Symantics

The dictionary defines a ghoul as "A spirit said to feed on corpses; A grave robber; a person with an undue interest in death and corpses"
But don't be surprised if you get called that a lot by Saudis.

You see 'aghoul' (pronounced A-Ghoul) is the Saudi verbal equivalent of 'Hey'; 'Hey Dude'; 'Hey you' get the picture, meaning that it will most likely be said in a loud audible voice from a blind spot to get your attention, your reaction based on hearing someone announce there is corpse eating spirit near by may be different.

This little tidbit was bought to you by my friend 'A Beer', actually abeer is an Arabic girls name meaning sweet aroma, so asking for ABeer in Saudi will get you lashed no matter what you mean.

A Beer being saved from A Ghoul by the Hey'ah

1 comment:

  1. late post I know but the word Ghoul comes from the Arabic غول.

    Also, Super Ghost n' Goblins is a great game.
