Monday, 8 June 2009

The Saudi Theory of Constrainted Views STCV

There is obviously some reservation is the way Saudis of both sexes perceive those from the West, and visa versa.
But why is that? there should be some reason, basis for they way things are they way they are.

For the most part, the common stereotype goes like this:

Saudi men perceive western men as immoral party animals who worship money.

Western men perceive Saudi men as rich retards who are violent and dangerous.

Saudi Women perceive western woman as nymphos who cant wait to ride.

Western women perceive Saudi women as oppressed drones with culty tendencies.

Saudi men perceive Western woman as easy lays whom go crazy over their endownessness

Western women perceive Saudi men as filthy sexist pigs whom shouldn't be allowed outside a cell or mine.

Saudi women perceive Western men as bloodthirsty rapist plunderers.

Western men view Saudi women as weak pets that have no backbone.

So who's to blame, it is clear that the collective view comes from somewhere, most often it is the media, from both sides. Playing on the fact that fear sells. But that needed a basis. And just as Pearl Harbor was a starting point for condemning all that is Japanese in US media, there had to be a catalyst for the portrail of Saudis as they were in movies and TV.

The following is a basic graph showing the links between the four groups, and while Saudi and Western men can familiarize themselves and slightly break through the hardened stereotype shells (as well as Saudi and Western women). The media will prevent the full picture from being shown (that's barbed wire if you were wondering).

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