Thursday, 14 May 2009

The Winner of the Race-ism

Saudis abroad get a lot of grief, mostly for stuff they don't have anything to do with.
Most have this Homer-esqnece about them where they are too dumb to understand that stereotyping can kill ya.
And yet you have these lemmings flying out in droves, vacations and study courses, even learning a language they can perfectly learn at home. And once they arrive at their destination, they tolerate, make excuses, and are in denial based on how much they are in the hole (not talking about red lights here). But it gets to them, then they unleash the 'Racism rant' in a way that makes them look paranoid.
But it is true, Saudis are discriminated against to a degree where only extortion can soften it. A Saudi with no money abroad is a simple doormat. Saudi students pray that there is no skirmish in Israel during the exam period. Saudi families on vacation hope there isn't an Arab story arc in 24 or any HBO special during their trip to Orlando.
It sucks, it really does. But all we can do is hope to save up enough money to pay off people to accept the fact that it was OTHER Saudis that done those deeds. All we want to do is have overpriced foreign junk.

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